Parenting a Child with ADHD

boy in field

Research tells us that on average the reader will stay engaged for 10-20 seconds, reading about 20 to 28% of the content before getting distracted and moving on.  Fifteen years ago, our attention spans were about 12 seconds. Today, our attention spans have shrunk to 8.25 seconds. How can a parent know when the distraction […]

All About Learning Disabilities

What’s out There and How to Identify a Learning Disability in your Child Learning disabilities are more common than you might think, affecting approximately 1 in 5 individuals. Over the years, awareness has risen over a wide variety of learning disabilities – so much so that there may be some you aren’t even aware of! […]

Raising a Child who’s Easily Distracted

There are dozens of distractions vying for our attention at any given time, especially in  the digital era. Many interactions are met with darting eyes as our attention spans progressively decrease. This decline of attention span is evidenced in the distractibility in our children. Whether they’re diagnosed with ADHD or simply overstimulated, many kids are […]

Therapy Tips: Parenting a Child with ADHD

Attention Deficit?  If you are reading this blog, research tells us that on average the reader will stay engaged for 10-20 seconds, reading about 20 to 28% of the content before getting distracted and moving on.  Fifteen years ago, our attention spans were about 12 seconds. Today, our attention spans have shrunk to 8.25 seconds. […]