Therapy Tips: Supporting My Child’s Sexuality
Human beings have always had wide diversity in gender identity and sexuality. Today, questioning one’s gender identity and sexuality is becoming more open, more common and more accepted. It’s important for adolescents who may be questioning their identity to feel safe and accepted as they search for answers to their questions. Questions that go unasked, […]
Parenting Tips: What Makes a Good Friend?
> “I thought about something I taught my kids when they were in elementary school… I used to ask them to cup their hands and put them in front of me. And I said, ‘In your hand is your flame. It’s your soul. It’s your light. You need to surround yourself with friends who, when […]
Therapy Tips: Parenting a Child with ADHD
Attention Deficit? If you are reading this blog, research tells us that on average the reader will stay engaged for 10-20 seconds, reading about 20 to 28% of the content before getting distracted and moving on. Fifteen years ago, our attention spans were about 12 seconds. Today, our attention spans have shrunk to 8.25 seconds. […]
Therapeutic Ways to Support Your Child’s Anxiety
Having feelings of anxiety is part of life, beginning at birth with our first cry. As we grow, feelings of anxiety are experienced in the body as tightness of the chest, shortness of breath and the loss of control – all of these new sensations are heightened in children when they don’t know why it’s […]
Tips for Single Parenting
In parenting, you become a part of someone else’s life and story. The journey of raising a child becomes a lifelong one. Finding your own balance in this adventure can be a challenge, especially if you’re engaging in it as a single parent. It’s important to prioritize self-care and make time for your own needs, […]
How Do I Explain a Death in the Family?
It has been said that life is about Hello’s and Goodbye’s. While the hello’s in life can be full of expectation and excitement, the goodbye’s can bring emotions across a full range of emotions. Losing a person who is dear to you or your family is difficult. Explaining a death in the family to a […]
Parenting Tips For Using an Effective “No”
Daylight without night is just day… Yes without No is just Yes… Obviously, we don’t exist in a universe without limits, boundaries or realities we may not enjoy. We all like to be told yes. Yes gives us what we want. If you’re looking to improve your family’s communication and boundary-setting skills, our Family Therapy […]
Tips for Raising your Grandchild
Raising children for much of human history has always included multigenerational communities of care. The collective wisdom and experience of grandparents can be a unique perspective and support to grandchildren at any age. Sometimes, grandparents can find themselves in the position of becoming the primary parents for their grandchildren which may bring about different challenges […]