Tips for the Single Parents

In parenting, you become a part of someone else’s life and story. The journey of raising a child becomes a lifelong one. Finding your own balance in this adventure can be a challenge, especially if you’re engaging in it as a single parent. It’s important to prioritize self-care and make time for your own needs, […]

The Power in Practicing Gratitude

As the holidays approach, gratitude is a word we hear more and more frequently. Gratitude is not just for the holidays, however: it’s a powerful force that can transform your outlook on life, boost your mental well-being, and enhance your overall happiness. In fact, neurological studies show that anxiety and gratitude can’t coexist in the […]

“My Child Won’t Go to School!”

A Parent’s Guide to Combatting School Refusal “I don’t want to go to school!” I’m sure as a parent, you’ve heard this before. Every child has days where they just don’t want to go to school. School refusal can run the gamut from simple ie… “I didn’t get my homework done” to complex ie… “I’m […]

My Child Won’t Stop Lying

Parenting Tips for Supporting a Child who Lies We’re all tempted to tell a tall tale now and again when we don’t want to face the consequences of our actions, or even if the truth is too painful. As kids begin to develop and learn to push the limits, lying is intriguing. Decade2Connect’s Family Therapy […]

Recommended Parent Podcasts, Books and More!

Learning to be a parent will be a lifelong journey. We constantly have parents eager to receive tools, tips and support towards parenting. Below are some of our favorite resources for parents, many of which our clinical team utilizes in treatment: Good Inside by Dr. Becky: One of the most trusted modern voices in parenting, […]

Ten of Our Favorite Mental Health Quotes

The beautiful thing about quotes is other people’s words often help us understand our experience. And in the midst of a mental health crisis, words can be hard to come by. Below are some quotes to provide understanding and support when you or your child is struggling: “The true opposite of depression is neither gaiety […]

Ten of Our Favorite Quotes on Parenting

Parenting is an all-encompassing, life changing journey. Some days are filled with joy and connection with your children while others make it easy to lose hope. Below are quotes for parents in any stage of this journey:   “There is no way to be a perfect parent and a million ways to be a good […]

“My Child Just Came Out”

Support for Parents of LGBTQ+ Youth The moment your child sits you down to tell you they’re gay, your life has changed. Your family is entering into a new reality with a wide array of new emotions and challenges. As a parent, you’re juggling your own reaction along with the immediate protection of and care […]

Is it Time to Ditch the Babysitter? 

Signs your Child is Ready toStay Home Alone From the moment you have kids, a simple social engagement becomes more complicated: “Can I take my kids with me?”“If not, who’s available to watch them?”“Can I afford the added expense of babysitting?”“Are they somebody I trust?” These questions become common vernacular for parents until one day, […]

Picking your Battles in Parenting

Parenting is a delicate balancing act between setting boundaries and fostering independence – and the path to healthy parent/child connection is dancing between the two. Everyday, your child will make decisions you don’t agree with; and every day you’re faced with the decision on whether to step in or let it go. Not an easy […]